Monday, April 28, 2008

pocketful of sunshine

At last.My exams finished.Yeay!

Okay, about the interview.I know it's kinda late but let me just cut it short.
It went well.Mr Izam is so humble I have to say.

Okay I lied.The part that it went well.
It does not went well.I screwed up.
Like big time.But he gave me lots of advices.
And I asked him on when he reads my resume what makes him wanna see me.
Because mind you, it's not even a proper resume.
Okay lets not that about that.
Lets just pray very very hard that I got the place.

Abang's wedding coming up.In may.Mum asked me to be the MC for the day.
And I said no because to me it's not proper for the sister to be the MC right?
I think it is more approriate for me to become the usherer(spells?)

That's all for today.
Will update soon okay.

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