Friday, July 25, 2008

much love

suprise suprise.

I am back after the operation.

Some of the messages that I would REALLY love to put here, they are from friends, families and strangers.

Fiona: Hehe, best of luck honey! Keep shining:-D

Abg Wa: Ok kita doakan semua akan berjalan dengan lancar. C u soon, miss u here.

Faish: Good luck u dont worry ure in a good hand of doctors hows 3rd class? Hehe so lepas ni karaoke sure hebat eh hehe.

Amalina: Morningggggggg! All the best dear..i doakan everything goes well!

Sheryl: U kt hospital mana? Dun worry u gonna be fine. I pun dah sihat ni

Zhana: Whos this plz? sori i lost my phone..

Kak Sabbs: Good luck! siapa nie?i baru tukar fon

Bubbly Zehan: Hiks. sounds fun,that operation :) doncha worry, mum had that too, she turned out a gorjes lady after that :) kat mana operate ni? take care *hugs hugs*

Zhana: Awh..babe! i m sori!i hope everything goes well 4d operation.whr wil u b admitted?

Kak Sabbs: Angah!op kat mana gurl?wad?katil? mb akak can visit.i hope evrything will b ok.jumpa grunge last sat, dia x ckp pn!im giving u all d stars in my worls.mwah.

Ayu: Ye ke? Hospital mana? Kenapa x bgtau leh lawat awk..gudluck..nanti kt dtg k..

Makcik Chombee: Lucky stars honey stars starfish go to angahs! Flying kiss 2 d anesthetist b4 anythg ok. I lov u bdk jahat *hugs

Faiz: Farah-i miss u.nk b by urside mse operation..gud luck wit the operation.msj me.muah

Shah: Eh?

Rinie: Okie..all the best! Take care.

Mazeda: Hai funi. How r u? How ws ur surgery? M really sori my dear. I wasnt there wit u. Hope u cn forgive me 4 being a bad n lousy bstfriend. Sori..

Kak Anne: Get well soon! Sorry for d late reply. Yesterday was a hectic day. Eat lotsa ice cream. Hehe.

Suprisingly I cannot move my head for 1 whole week. Isnt it psycho?

Thanks for all the lovely messages.Much L.O.V.E.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I've lost my thumb drive which contained lots and lots of picture.And now the another drive have got some problems or what's it some viruses?
Oh God.
I am thinking of getting the hard disk.U think?


I did not make it to the last performance last Thursday.And I watched it on TV and seeing Ramli Ibrahim saying something like "It is a breath of fresh air, it is spring time, and it's good to be alive" to Farah's dan Ray's second performance has warmed the soul. I mean, coming from him? Ok I am talking about So You Think You Can Dance season 2 people.

I am going to The Annexe later. Hope the boyfie bring the camera along.
We are going to catch PECHA KUCHA VOL. 4 (pronounced peh-chak-cha). See how it spells? Totally different.

Kak Anne is pregnant with the first child and we are kinda excited about it.

We are going to have bbq after my operation which is due next week. Lots of food of course!

Oh yah, tomorrow if you have some free time to spare, come and watch One Buck Short performing for Unzipped tomorrow at 3pm in Ruums, KL. It is free so come one, come all. Bring the postman as well.And neighbours too.

have a prettyful weekend people, will ya?