Friday, July 25, 2008

much love

suprise suprise.

I am back after the operation.

Some of the messages that I would REALLY love to put here, they are from friends, families and strangers.

Fiona: Hehe, best of luck honey! Keep shining:-D

Abg Wa: Ok kita doakan semua akan berjalan dengan lancar. C u soon, miss u here.

Faish: Good luck u dont worry ure in a good hand of doctors hows 3rd class? Hehe so lepas ni karaoke sure hebat eh hehe.

Amalina: Morningggggggg! All the best dear..i doakan everything goes well!

Sheryl: U kt hospital mana? Dun worry u gonna be fine. I pun dah sihat ni

Zhana: Whos this plz? sori i lost my phone..

Kak Sabbs: Good luck! siapa nie?i baru tukar fon

Bubbly Zehan: Hiks. sounds fun,that operation :) doncha worry, mum had that too, she turned out a gorjes lady after that :) kat mana operate ni? take care *hugs hugs*

Zhana: Awh..babe! i m sori!i hope everything goes well 4d operation.whr wil u b admitted?

Kak Sabbs: Angah!op kat mana gurl?wad?katil? mb akak can visit.i hope evrything will b ok.jumpa grunge last sat, dia x ckp pn!im giving u all d stars in my worls.mwah.

Ayu: Ye ke? Hospital mana? Kenapa x bgtau leh lawat awk..gudluck..nanti kt dtg k..

Makcik Chombee: Lucky stars honey stars starfish go to angahs! Flying kiss 2 d anesthetist b4 anythg ok. I lov u bdk jahat *hugs

Faiz: Farah-i miss u.nk b by urside mse operation..gud luck wit the operation.msj me.muah

Shah: Eh?

Rinie: Okie..all the best! Take care.

Mazeda: Hai funi. How r u? How ws ur surgery? M really sori my dear. I wasnt there wit u. Hope u cn forgive me 4 being a bad n lousy bstfriend. Sori..

Kak Anne: Get well soon! Sorry for d late reply. Yesterday was a hectic day. Eat lotsa ice cream. Hehe.

Suprisingly I cannot move my head for 1 whole week. Isnt it psycho?

Thanks for all the lovely messages.Much L.O.V.E.

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