Saturday, July 12, 2008


I've lost my thumb drive which contained lots and lots of picture.And now the another drive have got some problems or what's it some viruses?
Oh God.
I am thinking of getting the hard disk.U think?


I did not make it to the last performance last Thursday.And I watched it on TV and seeing Ramli Ibrahim saying something like "It is a breath of fresh air, it is spring time, and it's good to be alive" to Farah's dan Ray's second performance has warmed the soul. I mean, coming from him? Ok I am talking about So You Think You Can Dance season 2 people.

I am going to The Annexe later. Hope the boyfie bring the camera along.
We are going to catch PECHA KUCHA VOL. 4 (pronounced peh-chak-cha). See how it spells? Totally different.

Kak Anne is pregnant with the first child and we are kinda excited about it.

We are going to have bbq after my operation which is due next week. Lots of food of course!

Oh yah, tomorrow if you have some free time to spare, come and watch One Buck Short performing for Unzipped tomorrow at 3pm in Ruums, KL. It is free so come one, come all. Bring the postman as well.And neighbours too.

have a prettyful weekend people, will ya?

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